Terms of Service Agreement

Users should exercise caution when interacting with any smart contract or blockchain application. While efforts are made to mitigate risks through testing, audits, and bug bounties, vulnerabilities in smart contract code may still exist.

  • Users of the LayerBank protocol should be aware of the following before using it. LayerBank is a decentralized application that allows users to supply, lend and stake Linea-based tokens.

  • While digital assets are supplied to LayerBank on the LayerBank protocol, there are various risks, including but not limited to slashing of some assets due to short fall events, losses due to token price fluctuations.

  • Before using LayerBank, you should read the documentation and fully understand how the LayerBank protocol works.

  • No entity is liable for the potential risks and damages of LayerBank, especially direct or indirect damages, consequential damages, loss of profits, or digital assets.

Information published is not advice

The information provided on the Website does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice, and you should not treat any of the Website's content as such.

LayerBank provides the Website as a service to the public, and is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the Website.

While the information contained within the Website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in the Website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. All APYs listed on this site are for guidance purposes only. LayerBank employs strategies across a broad range of markets. The available liquidity in said markets changes constantly.

As a result, LayerBank cannot calculate APYs in real time. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Usage risks

The Website will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or claims arising from events falling within the scope of events like, but not limited to: mistakes made by the user (e.g., payments sent to wrong addresses), software problems of the Website or any related software or service (e.g., malware or unsafe cryptographic libraries), technical failures (e.g., hardware wallets malfunction), security problems experienced by the user (e.g., unauthorised access to wallets), actions or inactions of third parties (e.g., bankruptcy of service providers, information security attacks on service providers, and fraud conducted by third parties).

Investment risks

The investment in cryptocurrencies can lead to loss of money and prices having large range fluctuations. The information published on the Website cannot guarantee no money loss.

The Website user is responsible for understanding these risks, doing their own due diligence, and making their own decisions on how to interface with the Website. Depositing tokens into the LayerBank vaults exposes funds to market risk.

Compliance with tax obligations

The users of the Website are solely responsible to determine what, if any, taxes apply to their cryptocurrency holdings. The owners of, or contributors to, the Website are NOT responsible for determining the taxes that apply to user transactions.

No warranties

The Website is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind regarding the Website and/or any content, data, materials and/or services provided on the Website. The Website functionality is not guaranteed and could be disabled fully or in part without prior notice.


Security audits don't eliminate risks completely. The Website is not guaranteed to be secure or free from bugs, viruses, or potential malicious exploitations.

Limitation of liability

Unless otherwise required by law, in no event shall the owners of, or contributors to, the Website be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profits, or loss of data arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Website.


The user of the Website agrees to arbitrate any dispute arising from or in connection with the Website or this disclaimer, except for disputes related to copyrights, logos, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets or patents.

Last updated

Change request #48: